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Mama Rose Monday: A Look Back on 2015

Mama Rose Monday

January 25, 2016

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I'm so glad you stopped by the blog! Here you'll find advice on planning your wedding, tips on what to wear to photo sessions, and of course, my favorite clients & people!

Hi, I'm meghan


I know, I know. I’m late to the whole “Let’s Celebrate 2015!” party. But as I mentioned before, my website had some seriously bad timing with its crashing and burning and needing to be restarted and all, so I’m just now getting around to posting my thoughts and reflections on 2015, and yes, of course there will be a post about how I want to purse 2016! So take a walk down memory lane with me as I remember all the things there were to love, cry over, rejoice in, embrace, and celebrate throughout 2015!

January – I started off this year with some pretty strict goals. It felt good to say no, to simplify, and to also realize I’m in charge of this business. My life needed to be different during that time of life, as I was still adjusting to two kids. This year, my goals look very different – but my phase of life is different! It brings me relief when I remember that life is made up of seasons, and going with the flow of life’s changes and stages is absolutely vital.

At the start of January, we were in Pennsylvania with family. I photographed my brother and girlfriend on my aunt and uncle’s property. It seemed fitting that I started and ended this year with a session with them.

January- Rhenjanuary-ax

February – I didn’t blog much this month. Probably because I was depressed. You can read more about that in May (see below).  But hey, we did get a piano and take family seflies. Win!


March – I turned 25 and had a quarter-life crisis – which I fixed with a shopping trip. That sounds petty, but it was actually SUCH a turning point in my life. It was also the beginning of my branding process.

I ran a half-marathon with my best friend in the absolute worst running conditions ever – freezing with sleet/slushy snow & rain. But we kicked butt!! march3marchmarch2

April – In April I completely rebranded!! I was sick and tired of trying to do a job I wasn’t meant to do, and wasting time while doing it. So I finally hired someone and took that burden off my shoulders. It was incredible.


May – I wrote my son a letter when he turned three, and I sobbed just now reading it again. In it, I promised him “a love that never ends. I promise you will never grow too big, run too far, yell too loud, cut too deep to keep my love from you. You can always come back to me.”

I, of course, had to also reminisce on Axton’s birth story as well.

The emotional posts don’t end there, though. It was Mother’s Day, and instead of writing my usual tribute, I was honest and raw and said, “This year was hard. Being a mom is hard. But, I see a light. I feel hopeful.”

I also magically convinced Adam to run in the Warrior Dash with some friends!

June – June was New York City with Mom!

We also took our own family photos – which is always its own unique adventure. But it did result in my first large photo gallery hanging in our home!

I wrote a Father’s Day Post dedicated to the father of my children (cried).

Rhenner turned one, and I wrote him a letter (cried again). I told him, “I hope you’ll leave my home searching for answers and true love, seeking and reaching for dreams and never say never. I hope you come back to me, and excitedly tell me all the secrets of the world you’ve uncovered.”

I excitedly announced we were going to Iceland!

I attended the Come Together event with Katelyn James and Amy & Jordan Demos, and shortly after wrote a blogpost in which I opened up about defending my business and my heart – and how this conference inspired me to keep pursuing my dreams.

July – I started sending my boys to a babysitter once a week, and it changed my life. Overall it made me prioritize tasks and have a better work/life balance.

We went to Rehoboth Beach – it was awesome!

We went camping. It was not awesome. It’s actually a funny story – you should read it.


I read some books.

August – We went to Minnesota. We met up with Aunt Kim at an indoor water park resort.

august-personal_0001august-personal_0002We took more awesome family selfies.


I photographed a childhood friend’s wedding. It meant the world to me.

I read some more books.

We also had 3 out of the 4 Harrison siblings + their families at our house. This meant 6 adults and 11 kids under the age of 11 in our tiny, 1100 square-foot house….Some of them had to sleep outside in tents. Still, it was a blast.

September – Adam and I traveled to Iceland for our sixth anniversary!! It was incredible and the country completely stole my heart. You can start on Day One and look through all our adventures (though I’m still not done posting the tail end of our trip!!)

Days before leaving for Iceland I received news that my best friend of 10 years would be going into emergency brain surgery to have a tumor removed. She is a miracle, and is back to work and kicking this near-death experience to the ground. She’s my hero.

Oh, and I photographed the President of the United States.

October – I went to the United Conference in Arizona. This was another one of those important shifting moments for me in my life and my business. I discovered my mission statement, the WHY behind what I do. I also bonded with Michelle, and grasped the value of a TRUE friend in this industry.


Keola came out to watch the boys during my conference, and we spent a day exploring NYC together.


November – I started two new blog series! Mama Rose Mondays and Friday Features! I absolutely love having one day a week where I am forced to ponder my personal life – it helps keep my business, my kids, my marriage, and all else in an eternal perspective and gives me a chance to pause and reflect, evaluate and readjust. I also LOVE my Friday feature posts. I love learning about other vendors, reading their advice for brides, “networking” in a way that feels genuine and selfless. I also absolutely love learning about other photographers. Seeing their images on my blog and trickle into my inbox every week is such an incredible inspiration.

We went hiking at one of our favorite Maryland parks – Patapsco State Park.




Family selfie strikes again.

I was also busy planning my very first styled shoot!

December – My first styled shoot was executed!! And it was a smashing success (in my eyes!)

We started our annual Harrison 25 Days of Christmas.

The last few days got cut a bit short, as I had to unexpectedly head out to Utah a few days earlier than planned. But all for good reasons!! I got to witness the birth of my newest niece just 3 days before Christmas. We spent Christmas with my mom in Idaho, and then headed back down to Utah for New Year’s Eve with ALL of Adam’s siblings. Axton loved being with his cousins!


….And that’s how our year went! I couldn’t believe how much I cried while writing and working on this post, as I reread all the highlights! It makes me SO happy to have at least somewhat of a record of everything I accomplished – but more than my accomplishments, I love re-reading my true thoughts and feelings. I had completely forgotten just how hard of a time I was having at points, and it makes me feel braver knowing I went through it, and gives me courage to continue on through current trials! I hope one day my kids appreciate reading what life was like for them during this time in life, but even if they don’t, these words and records are something I will always cherish. Thanks for being a part of it and following with me on this journey through life, motherhood, and my business! I’m grateful for all of my supporters.

  1. Jeanna says:

    Good work, Meghan! Happy late 2016, and I hope this year is even better!

  2. Kim says:

    Meghan, this is beautiful! Thank you for including me in your year. It means the world to me and it’s exactly what I needed. Love you!

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