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Mama Rose Monday: A Birthday Letter I Didn’t Write

Mama Rose Monday

March 7, 2016

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Hi, I'm meghan


To the Mama Rose of my boys,

How the past 7 years have flown by.. they have been great, full, and a
never ending adventure. I frequently reflect and revisit precious
times in our lives at random moments of my life. For example while I’m
at work, driving in the car, sitting on the couch at home, reading
stories to our boys, cooking, and so on.. basically all the time!

I think of our first moments of romance and how our love was born:
Seeing you for the first time across the way as you were studying
French and thinking to myself, “She’s cute! I hope that I get the
change to meet her.” Being so happy to run into you by accident the
next day and getting your phone number after sharing some headphones
so that we could both listen to Michelle Branch while doing our
homework. Riding our longboards down the streets of Laie, HI. Holding
your hand for the first time on our way to school. Waiting for the
right time to kiss you as we said good night. Listening to Secondhand
Serenade” on the way home from dropping you off at your house and singing along; as if you
were there and I was singing to you.


I think of the trips we’ve shared: Island hopping in Hawaii to the Big
Island. Road tripping to Montana before our marriage. Cruising the
Bahamas on our honeymoon. Road tripping to Minnesota because we could.
Camping around Maryland and seeing the historic sites. Minivan camping
in Iceland for our 6th year anniversary (when can we go again?!!).

I think of the responsibility we’ve shared: Getting our first pet; Jet the fish,
that often got sick from the water in his tank. Getting our puppy,
Kaleo, and taking him on those daily walks the first six months of his
life. Deciding to have our first kid and walking hand in hand during
labor. Taking turns rocking him to sleep and changing those diapers.
Deciding to have another kid and finding out it would be another boy!
They are so lucky to have you as their mother. You spoil them in the
best ways, with time and love!


I think of how far you have come as a photographer: Starting out by
asking family and friends if you could take photos just for fun.
Continually pushing yourself to the next level and finally deciding
that you could start your own business even though you knew nothing of
how to do it or where to begin. I look at your work now and say “Wow,
she is amazing! Those photos look like they were copied out of a


It’s fun to think that 7 years and 1 week ago I meet you for the first
time. It was 5 days before your birthday and I was so infatuated by
you that I had to make you a super cool homemade birthday card with a
ticket for a date night. I’m glad you took me up on it!

You’ve been the best gift in my life. I love you Mama Rose!


Photos from our first anniversary session, with LeeYen.

  1. Jeanna says:

    Very sweet.

  2. Missy Wright says:

    Okkkkaaayyyyy – that was the cutest letter EVER! EVER.

  3. Mom says:

    I love you Adam in just as many ways as you love my daughter. You are so kind, patient, understanding, loving in all aspects of life. Thank you for treating Meghan like the Princes she deserves to be. Thank you for being so willing to contribute even after you come home from a long days work. Thank you for 2 beautiful grandsons who are so Distinctly different but definately throw a curve at you once in awhile to show us that yes indeed they have a little of you in them or a lot if we are talking about Axton. haha
    Know that we adore you just as much and love you beyond measure!!!

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