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Mama Rose Monday: Things Im Loving

Mama Rose Monday

December 14, 2015

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1. The fact that I never have to make these Christmas boxes again. Please tell my kids they are not allowed to lose, destroy, or otherwise compromise the quality of these boxes because they’ll never get a replacement. This is how I decided to do our Harrison 25 Days of Christmas. Everyday Axton gets to open one box, eat the chocolate inside, and then read what the “Christmas Angel” has asked us to do that day. When we complete it, then we can put the box under the Christmas tree as a gift to Jesus.


2. The Voice. If you follow me on Instagram, perhaps you already know we are a huge lover of America’s Got Talent. But did you know our other weakness is The Voice. We’re pretty much die hard fans of both. Tonight’s show is the final performance before America votes on the winners! I was sad to see Madi Davis and Amy Vachal go home, but am not surprised to see Jordan (whom I think will win the whole show) or Jeffrey in the finalists. Some of my favorite performances from the season were Amy’s “Blank Space,” Madi’s “Love is Blindness”, Ivonne’s “Part of Me” and Jeffrey’s instant save performance, “Make it Rain.” Even if this is your first time tuning in, you won’t be disappointed with tonight’s show. Any one of these performers will entertain you and deserve a record!!

3. This recipe for sugar cookies. I just learned that using powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar in the dough makes them so much softer and lighter! We used this recipe to make the cookies that we decorated with the elders. This has become a tradition of ours, to have the missionaries come to our home and decorate sugar cookies that they can then give to people they are teaching or just anyone they feel could use the extra Christmas Spirit bump. Adam had a family do this for him while he was on his mission and he loved it, so now we have incorporated the tradition into our own family!


4. My homemade Nativity set from my friend Emily. Yes, I said homemade. Yes she is amazing. The past few months, I had seen glimpses of her working on several different sets for her to give to her family for Christmas this year. I was shocked and touched when one day she brought over a set for me to have! I will always treasure this, and especially love that they are basically indestructible, being made out of wood, so I don’t have to worry about my kids destroying them.


5. The warm weather. When I was in Hawaii, I used to think I was one of those Christmas-has-to-be-cold kinda girls. But right now, I am loving the 70 degree weather in the middle of December and am going to miss it when the cold strikes.

6. Even when it does get cold, I’m still going to love our fire pit circle. I can’t wait to have 15 photographers and 7 vendors sitting around this campfire next Saturday, talking business, friendship, and life together!


  1. Kim says:

    Love the pics, Meghan!

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